Page:The Fruit of the Tree (Wharton 1907).djvu/652

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Sixth Eedition

[12mo, $1.50]

The Greater Inclination


  • The Muse's Tragedy
  • A Journey
  • The Pelican
  • Souls Belated
  • A Coward
  • The Twilight of the Gods
  • A Cup of Cold Water
  • The Portrait

"Between these stories and those of the ordinary entertaining sort there is a great gulf fixed."—The Dial.

[12mo, $1.50]

Crucial Instances


  • The Duchess at Prayer
  • The Angel at the Grave
  • The Recovery
  • "Copy" : A Dialogue
  • The Rembrandt
  • The Moving Finger
  • The Confessional

"Tragedy and comedy, pathos and humor, are mingled in these pages of brilliant writing and splendid imagination."
—Philadelphia Press.

[12 mo, $1.50]

The Valley of Decision
25th Thousand

"Coming in the midst of an epoch overcrowded with works of fiction, 'The Valley of Decision' stands out giant-like above its surroundings. It stands, indeed, almost without a rival in the modern literary world, and there can be little doubt that it places Mrs. Wharton at once side by side with the greatest novelists of the day."
—Boston Evening Transcript.