Page:The Gaelic State in the Past & Future.djvu/95

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PADRAIC PEARSE COLLECTED WORKS Vol. I-PLAYS, POEMS AND STORIES. Demy 8vo. 7$. 6d. net. He was an out-and-out rebel ... a rebel who was a poet, a visionary who worked not for pro- sperity, or even for political freedom, but for an idea. Times Literary Supplement. Probably no more selfless spirit ever broke itself against the might of the Iron Age than this man's spirit, which was lit up by love of children and country, a dreamer with his heart in the Golden Age. The Irish Homestead. The publication ... of the literary works of the leaders of the Irish Insurrection has helped us more than might have been expected to understand the motives and hopes which lay behind their action. Westminister Gazette. Vol. II-SONGS OF THE IRISH REBELS, and Specimens from an Irish Anthology. Gaelic Poejns collected and translated by PADRAIC PEARSE. Demy 8vo. 58. net. THE STORY OF A SUCCESS. An account of St. Encla's School by/PADRAic PEARSE, edited and completedby DESMOND RYAN. Illustrated. 35. 6d. : net.