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The Game of Life and How to Play It

She spoke the words: “Infinite Spirit, open the way for the right apartment.” She knew there was a supply for every demand, and that she was “unconditioned,” working on the spiritual plane, and that “one with God is a majority.”

She had contemplated buying new blankets, when “the tempter,” the adverse thought or reasoning mind, suggested, “Don’t buy the blankets, perhaps, after all, you won’t get an apartment and you will have no use for them.” She promptly replied (to herself): “I’ll dig my ditches by buying the blankets!” So she prepared for the apartment—acted as though she already had it.

She found one in a miraculous way, and it was given to her although there were over two hundred other applicants.

The blankets showed active faith.

It is needless to say that the ditches dug by the three kings in the desert were filled to over-flowing. (Read, II Kings.)

Getting into the spiritual swing of things is no easy matter for the average person. The adverse thoughts of doubt and fear surge from the subconscious. They are the “army of the aliens” which must be put to flight. This explains why it is so often, “darkest before the dawn.”

A big demonstration is usually preceded by tormenting thoughts.

Having made a statement of high spiritual truth one challenges the old beliefs in the subconscious, and “error is exposed” to be put out.

This is the time when one must make his affirmations of truth repeatedly, and rejoice and give