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The Game of Life and How to Play It

minutes later, I received a very important call, and about an hour afterward, the one I had been awaiting.

One’s ships come in over a calm sea.

So long as man resists a situation, he will have it with him. If he runs away from it, it will run after him.

For example: I repeated this to a woman one day, and she replied, “How true that is! I was unhappy at home, I disliked my mother, who was critical and domineering; so I ran away and was married—but I married my mother, for my husband was exactly like my mother, and I had the same situation to face again.” “Agree with thine adversary quickly.”

That means, agree that the adverse situation is good, be undisturbed by it, and it falls away of its own weight. “None of these things move me,” is a wonderful affirmation.

The inharmonious situation comes from some inharmony within man himself.

When there is, in him, no emotional response to an inharmonious situation, it fades away forever, from his pathway.

So we see man’s work is ever with himself.

People have said to me, “Give treatments to change my husband, or my brother.” I reply, “No, I will give treatments to change you; when you change, your husband and your brother will change.”