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The Game of Life and How to Play It

To go back to the illustration: Had the woman taken this attitude: “If this house, I desire, is mine, I cannot lose it, if it is not, give me its equivalent,” the man might have decided to move out, harmoniously (had it been the divine selection for her) or another house would have been substituted. Anything forced into manifestation through personal will, is always “ill-got,” and has “ever bad success.”

Man is admonished, “My will be done not thine,” and the curious thing is, man always gets just what he desires when he does relinquish personal will, thereby enabling Infinite Intelligence to work through him.

“Stand ye still and see the salvation of the Lord” (law).

For example: A woman came to me in great distress. Her daughter had determined to take a very hazardous trip, and the mother was filled with fear.

She said she had used every argument, had pointed out the dangers to be encountered, and forbidden her to go, but the daughter became more and more rebellious and determined. I said to the mother, “You are forcing your personal will upon your daughter, which you have no right to do, and your fear of the trip is only attracting it, for man attracts what he fears.” I added, “Let go, and take your mental hands off; put it in God’s Hands, and use this statement:” “I put this situation in the hands of Infinite Love and Wisdom; if this trip is the Divine plan, I bless it and no longer resist, but if it is not divinely planned, I give thanks that it is now dissolved and dissipated. A day or two after that,