Page:The Game of Life.djvu/59

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happy, they usually become selfish, and automatically the law of Karma is set in action. Man often suffers loss through lack of appreciation.

I knew a woman who had a very nice husband, but she said often, “I don’t care anything about being married, but that is nothing against my husband. I’m simply not interested in married life.”

She had other interests, and scarcely remembered she had a husband. She only thought of him when she saw him. One day her husband told her he was in love with another woman, and left. She came to me in distress and resentment.

I replied, “It is exactly what you spoke the word for. You said you didn’t care anything about being married, so the subconscious worked to get you unmarried.”

She said, “Oh yes, I see. People get what they want, and then feel very much hurt.”

She soon became in perfect harmony with the situation, and knew they were both much happier apart.

When a woman becomes indifferent or critical, and ceases to be an inspiration to her husband, he misses the stimulus of their early relationship and is restless and unhappy.

A man came to me dejected, miserable and poor. His wife was interested in the “Science of Numbers,” and had had him read. It seems the report was not very favorable, for he said, “My wife says I’ll never amount to anything because I am a two.”