Page:The Game of Life.djvu/63

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ing of her employer. She said she was cold and critical and knew she did not want her in the position.

“Well,” I replied, “Salute the Divinity in the woman and send her love.”

She said “I can’t; she’s a marble woman.”

I answered, “You remember the story of the sculptor who asked for a certain piece of marble. He was asked why he wanted it, and he replied, ‘because there is an angel in the marble,’ and out of it he produced a wonderful work of art.”

She said, “Very well, I’ll try it.” A week later she came back and said, “I did what you told me to, and now the woman is very kind, and took me out in her car.”

People are sometimes filled with remorse for having done someone an unkindness, perhaps years ago.

If the wrong cannot be righted, its effect can be neutralized by doing some one a kindness in the present.

“This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before.”

Sorrow, regret and remorse tear down the cells of the body, and poison the atmosphere of the individual.

A woman said to me in deep sorrow, “Treat me to be happy and joyous, for my sorrow makes me so irritable with the members of my family that I keep making more Karma.”

I was asked to treat a woman who was mourning