Page:The Game of Life.djvu/69

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Intuition or Guidance

The reasoning mind resisted, arguing, “There is nothing there that you want.”

However, I had learned not to reason, so I went to the bakery, looked at everything, and there was certainly nothing there that I wanted, but coming out I encountered a woman I had thought of often, and who was in great need of the help which I could give her.

So often, one goes for one thing and finds another.

Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.

A person often receives a lead during a “treatment.” The idea that comes may seem quite irrelevant, but some of God’s leadings are “mysterious.”

In the class, one day, I was treating that each individual would receive a definite lead. A woman came to me afterwards, and said: “While you were treating, I got the hunch to take my furniture out of storage and get an apartment.” The woman had come to be treated for health. I told her I knew in getting a home of her own, her health would improve, and I added, “I believe your trouble, which is a congestion, has come from having things stored away. Congestion of things causes congestion in the body. You have violated the law of use, and your body is paying the penalty.”

So I gave thanks that “Divine order was established in her mind, body and affairs.

People little dream of how their affairs react on the body. There is a mental correspondence for every disease. A person might receive instantaneous healing through the realization of his body