Page:The Garden Party (Mansfield).djvu/6

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“Miss Mansfield’s stories are like life reflected in a round mirror. Everything is exquisitely bright, exquisitely distinct and just a little queer.”—The Nation.

“BLISS is the sort of book that spoils one for everything else . . . it is impossible to appraise really good work; all one can do is to recognise it when one sees it to say simply ‘this is a fine book.”—Pall Mall.

“They arrest by their competence, their realism, their irony and wit; they are an expression, symbolical almost, of her times. . . . Written with such sureness and skill. . . . Beauty of a high order.”—J. C. Squire in the Observer.

“This book places Miss Mansfield as the best of our contemporary writers of Fiction."—Cambridge Review.

“Miss Mansfield has the genius that can make a short story out of nothing. . . . The same admirably restrained touch, the same understanding will be found in every one of the stories.”—Evening Standard.