Page:The Garden of Eden (Doughty).djvu/36

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The Garden of Eden.

This meaning may be gathered from the book of Revelation. Here it is our Lord who commands John to write, and who dictates what he shall write; and the words convey strictly divine meanings in all their forms of expression. And He commands this to be written to the Church of Ephesus: "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God" (Rev. ii. 7). Here the tree of life clearly indicates something high and holy. He that is entitled to partake of this tree, is he that has overcome. Overcome what? Why, the flesh and the world, self and sensuality, pride and passion; who has, in fact, trodden under foot everything, of whatever nature or description, which impedes the perfect life—sin in act, in thought, in desire. He who does this, is he who lives in love of the Lord; who lives in the Lord and from the Lord; who has the Lord's life inscribed on the very nerves and tissues of his spirit. Such an one is a living embodiment of God's law and love. He knows that it is he who hath the Lord's commandments and doeth them, that loveth Him. And He has and does, and therefore loves.

We use this term love a great deal. What does it mean? It means that the love or affection from which a person does his daily work, not only tinges the whole character, but gives color