Page:The Gentle Grafter (1908).djvu/64

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coln on one side and Marshall P. Wilder on the other.

“Andy was as interested in philanthropy as I was. We used to wake up of nights and tell each other new ideas for booming the University.

“‘Andy,’ says I to him one day, ‘there’s something we overlooked. The boys ought to have dromedaries.’

“‘What’s that?’ Andy asks.

“‘Why, something to sleep in, of course,’ says I. ‘All colleges have ’em.’

“‘Oh, you mean pajamas,’ says Andy.

“‘I do not,’ says I. ‘I mean dromedaries.’ But I never could make Andy understand; so we never ordered ’em. Of course, I meant them long bedrooms in colleges where the scholars sleep in a row.

“Well, sir, the World’s University was a success. We had scholars from five States and territories, and Floresville had a boom. A new shooting gallery and a pawn shop and two more saloons started; and the boys got up a college yell that went this way:

“‘Raw, raw, raw,
Done, done, done,
Peters, Tucker,
Lots of fun.
World University,
Hip, hurrah!”