Page:The Gentle Grafter (1908).djvu/78

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“‘Yes,’ says she, ‘he’s marked with a star; that means “ready to serve.” Now, let’s see. “Age 55; married twice; Presbyterian, likes blondes, Tolstoi, poker and stewed terrapin; sentimental at third bottle of wine.” Yes,’ she goes on, ‘I am sure I can have your friend, Mr. Bummer, appointed Minister to Brazil.’

“‘Humble,’ says I. ‘And United States Marshal was the berth.’

“‘Oh, yes,’ says Mrs. Avery. ‘I have so many deals of this sort I sometimes get them confused. Give me all the memoranda you have of the case, Mr. Peters, and come back in four days. I think it can be arranged by them.’

“So me and Andy goes back to our hotel and waits. Andy walks up and down and chews the left end of his mustache.

“‘A woman of high intellect and perfect beauty is a rare thing, Jeff,’ says he.

“‘As rare,’ says I, ‘as an omelet made from the eggs of the fabulous bird known as the epidermis,’ says I.

“‘A woman like that,’ says Andy, ‘ought to lead a man to the highest positions of opulence and fame.’

“‘I misdoubt,’ says I, ‘if any woman ever helped a man to secure a job any more than to have his