Page:The Genuine Speech of the Lord Lansdowne, against Repealing the Occasional and Schism Bills.djvu/18

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Executioner, who cuts what the Axe could not hurt, what the Regicides could not take from Him, His good Name, has not been aſham’d to attempt it Barefaced!

It grieves me, that this Animadverſion ſhould fall to my Lot; to the Lot of any private Lord: I was in hopes a generous Indignation would have warm’d this noble Aſſembly to have made it their own Act, to reprehend ſuch ir-reverend Slander, as would much better have become a Deſcendant from Bradſhaw, than a Succeſſor of Laud.

But I ask Pardon—this unlucky Reflection may have tranſported me too far.

In a Word: That I may not appear Prejudiced to Merit in any Man, I will conclude with this Motion; That a Liſt be laid before us of ſuch Diſſenters, by Name,
