Page:The German Novelists (Volume 3).djvu/68

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Popular Tales.

it to me? Bring me one that will fit me. I’ll none of it! Zounds! these slippers hurt my corns; let me have an easier, bigger pair! A plague on this collar! it is harder than a deal-board. I say, it will throttle me; bring me another, softer and easier, if you can.”

The noble host, far from expressing the least displeasure at these liberties, spurred on the servants to fulfil his commands, calling them a set of jolter-heads, who did not know how to attend upon such a guest. When the beverage was prepared, both master and guest partook largely of it. Soon after, the former said: “Would you like to take some supper, young man?” “Let them bring up what the cook has got at hand, that I may see whether the larder be well furnished.” Orders were sent down; and soon afterwards the servants brought up an excellent repast, worthy of a prince. Frank directly sat down, and without waiting for an invitation, he began to do justice to such a feast. When he had eaten enormously, he looked round, and observed: “If your cellars be as well supplied as your larder, I think I may venture to commend your good housekeeping.”

The Knight forthwith made sign to his butler to fill a goblet of common table-wine, and the host emptied it in a good health to his guest. The latter did not forget to pledge him; when the knight,