Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/112

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These figures are presented merely to give the would-be librarian a general idea of what her training will cost. No school, however heavily endowed, provides board and lodging, and as a rule heads of library schools prefer that students should not attempt to work their way through the course—that is, earn board and lodging while studying. Every particle of energy and every moment of time are required for the work. The hours run from nine to four, five days in the week, with an hour for lunch, and on Saturdays there are trips to other libraries, field work, etc.

There are many library schools, including Pratt and Drexel institutes, the New York State Library School at Albany, New York, Simmons College Library School, Boston, Massachusetts, and the school attached to the University of Illinois.

As a rule a high-school education of four years or its equivalent, with a reading knowledge of German and French, is sufficient preparation for the examination held at any of these training schools, though the New York State Library School demands some college work also.

If you have graduated several years previous to taking the examination, do not trust to your memory, but brush up, "cram" if you will, as