Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/127

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pher employed in the office. She invited the girl to go to Europe with her, and off they started in the most unbusinesslike fashion. There was no understanding about wages, but the girl was to have everything she needed for the trip at the hands of her newly-acquired godmother. It was all very lovely until they struck rough weather half way across the Atlantic, and the girl succumbed to mal de mer. The old lady regarded this unfortunate circumstance as a personal affront, and directly they reached London she informed the young woman that she might have a return ticket and take herself off. And that is precisely what the poor girl did. Terrified to find herself in the metropolis of the world, without friends or influence, she came home on the very next steamer, with just enough money of her own left to pay for her steamer chair and to tip her stewards. She was glad to get back to a typewriter and a small but regular salary.

Social secretaries receive large salaries, but spend a great deal on dress. On the other hand, they receive many beautiful and valuable gifts from clients. Private secretaries to women of affairs receive about the same salary as office girls, but have more pleasant surroundings and often less strenuous work.

Thoughtful and ambitious girls reading this chapter may think that the position of governess or companion or secretary does not open