Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/184

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it requires a gift which comparatively few women possess—a delicate, soothing touch. In this day of innumerable ailments which can be traced directly to tense or overtaxed nerves, modern medical science is treating more and more by manipulation and less and less by drugs, and a girl who can convince an up-todate doctor that she has soothing, healing qualities in her hands will have no difficulty in securing engagements.

"But," exclaims the girl, "how do I know that I possess this gift?"

Test yourself. Perhaps your mother suffers with nervous or neuralgic headaches. Take her into a cool, not cold, darkened room and gently rub or smooth the forehead, or the base of the brain, wherever the pain may be. Do not talk to her. Merely concentrate your thought on her pain and your desire to ease it. If she gradually becomes quiet, if her nerves stop twitching, and if she feels an inclination to sleep, you have the masseuse's gift in your finger-tips. Or, if your father has twisted his ankle and is suffering pain, rub the affected parts firmly, steadily, never spasmodically. If you bring relief and in time reduce the inflammation you have the soothing hand.

On the other hand, if you make patients irritable and nervous, if they beg you to leave