Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/242

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Here a girl may quickly discover whether she is fitted for the work. If there is no kindergarten training-school in your town, you can at least secure your preliminary high-school training there. Do not imagine that you can take a home-study course in the high-school branches, "cram" relentlessly, and then pass your preliminaries. In rare cases a girl might accomplish this feat, but it is safer to complete your high-school course in the usual way.

If the local board of education offers you nothing in kindergarten training, thenstudy the various fields carefully before you decide upon a training-school away from home. If possible, select a school which is heavily endowed or connected with some established university or college. The small, private training-school holds certain dangers for you. In the first place, its work may not fit you for the examination for positions in the public-school kindergartens, and in the second the small kindergarten training-school needs your money more than does the endowed institution, and its principal may not be entirely honest with you regarding your suitability for the work. By this I mean that at certain established institutions or training-schools your work from the very start is watched very carefully, and if you show that you are eminently unsuited to the work and the money which you would spend upon your tui-