Page:The Glimpses of Shri Gurudev Ranade.pdf/5

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Glimpses of Gurudev R.D. Ranade In the Bhagavadgita, Arjuna asks Shrikrishna- HO CHIÊera and feffield add for 11 (2.48) (What is the description of a Sthitaprajna, equanimous man, a man always in the presence of God, who is merged in the superconscious state? How does a Sthitadhi speak?, How does he sit and how does he walk?) Gurudev has all the characteristics of a Sthitaprajna and Sthitadhi described in the subsequent verses of the Gita. Those who have come in contact with Gurudev, can very well say that they were in the presence of a Sthitaprajna. Some of these Glimpses will disclose such traits in Gurudev. These Glimpses will inspire a discerning reader to live a moral life and to follow the spiritual path preached and practised by the Master. We are happy to place this piece in the hands of readers with a hope that it will make their lives sublime. We are obliged to Shri. D.R. Pathak of Pathak Studio, Kolhapur, for sending four photographs for inclusion in this book. Our sincere thanks to Prof. M.V. Bagi as also to Prof. S.N. Krishna of R.L. Science Institute, Belagavi, for correcting the proofs carefully and diligently, and that too as selfless service. J.V. Parulekar, Chairman, Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belagavi.