Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/10

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Prosperine. That's it exactly,—Arch brows, ladies, pray
For Pallas!—So!—All vote in the same way,
(Including Venus, who bends hers)—that's carried.
Then take thy Chair of Honour, Great Unmarried.

(The Goddesses take their seats; Minerva presiding.)

Minerva. Well, now,—to business straight, secundum morem,
We must renew, I fear me, a dolorem
That's most unpleasant;—not to speak at random,
It's one that must be thought of as infandum:—
(We've high authority to call the Turk
"Unspeakable" you know)—well, that's our work!
The Eastern Question's rapping (horrid ghost!)
And wants an answer by return of post!
This Turk Unspeakable is, at this crisis,
Here represented by Egyptian Isis,
And she (who doubtless her own business knows)
With Proserpine exchanged, but lately, blows;
But, getting worsted in th' unequal barter,
In Tartarus's Queen has "caught a Tartar."—
The eloquence to picture is not mine,
How our disinterested Proserpine