Page:The Golden Hamster Manual.djvu/28

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(N), or both, may be used at corner Joints. Using No. 5 double pointed tacks, hdw. cl. is installed on bottom of door, running to all edges but not covering edges of door. Bottom of door is shown in Illus. 13D-D). A door knob or pull (DP) of any sort desired, even an extending nail or screw, may be used to lift door. Turn button (TB) or other convenient fastener is used to prevent animals nosing the door open.

Optional Features: Hdw. cl. floor for self-cleaning advantages may be used Instead of board floor (A). See (B), Illus. l1D, wherein a 10x14 floor piece of No. 6 or No. 4 hdw. cl. covers bottom, laps up one inch between each hdw. cl. side and base strip (BS). In that case, thin nails (NL) may be driven into each corner and left extending downward an inch or more, to serve as legs to support the cage above a pan, droppings tray, or newspaper spread for same purpose. In arranging this feature, the base strips are installed after hdw. cl. floor is installed. Or, one 14x26 continuous piece of No. 4 or No. 6 hdw. cl. may be used down, one side, across bottom and up the other side.

If desired, hdw. cl. sides may reach to top of cage, in which case each hdw. ci. side piece is 10½x14. Or, if of one continuous piece, 14x28. Optional: Top strip material 1 inch square may be used instead of ½x1½, for greater vision, if desired.

A display cage constructed on this plan, with or without optional features, should afford long and satisfactory service.

21. Two-Pen Solid Floor Observation Unit

The following solid floor 2-pen unit is easily built and gives a clear view of all pen activities of the hamsters so housed. Construction is the same on both sides.


Dimensions, are given in inches.


T,Flr. Three 1x10x22 boards, 2 floors and 1 top.

Bk. One lxl0xl9 board back.

Bs.St. Four ½x3x21 base strips.

Dr.Pil. Two 1x2x19 door pillars.

One 1x1x72 to cut door frames.

S.C. Two 19x23 pieces hdw. ci. No. 2 or 3.

1-inch hinges; door fasteners; small quantity of nails and No. 5 double pointed tacks.

Either a hdw. cl. door with wood frame, Illus. 11-S, or a solid board door may be used. Hingeless doors may be used as per Illus. 16, 20, 21, 22 In Chap. 22 If desired, In which D.F. Is at top of door. Hingeless solid board doors require no guard board unless desired, provided small sticks of wood are placed in pen for gnawing.

The foregoing materials provide pens with inside measure of 8 high, 10 wide and 21 long. Should pens 10 high be desired, use back, door pillars and hdw. cl. 4 inches higher to provide added height. Pens may also be made either 8 or 12 wide by using top, back and floors of such widths. If an exercise wheel is desired, such as Illus. 46, same may be mounted on the inner side of a solid board door in a pen 12 wide and 12 high. Wheel Illus. 42 works on a door as small as l0xl0. Guard board is omitted where exercise wheel is to be mounted on door.

Steps in Construction: Attach top and floors to back
