Page:The Gospel by Wireless - James Ebenezer Boon.djvu/10

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by wireless to the largest and most unique congregation ever man had. Secular concerts, and good concerts at that, are the order of the day by wireless: is preaching the Gospel to be barred in this, a Protestant country? As far as "wireless" is concerned, is the Hague Concert to be the feature of the Sabbath day, and no Divine teaching allowed? It seems to me that no time should be lost. The Church should strike out now and at once. If not, a chance will be allowed to pass by, and pass never to return.

There must be no squabbling in the Church over this. The Church must be united, and remain united. It will never come about that every Church in the land will be allowed to have a transmitting centre. It simply could not be done. Speaking for myself, it does not matter a brass farthing to me whether I preach a sermon by wireless again or not—that is the merest detail. All my aim is that one sermon, at least, should go out each Sunday by wireless; advertised, wave-length, etc., given; and this one sermon be as much a feature of the Sabbath as the Hague Concert is to-day—or as any other concert may be to-morrow.

I applied for a licence for the Church in McDermott Road. It has been refused; and to be quite candid and quite fair, I think that the Postmaster General is quite right. If we had