Page:The Gospel by Wireless - James Ebenezer Boon.djvu/20

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The Gospel by Wireless.

church to sleep. If they go at all, they go desiring something, and expecting something. Dull platitudes from the pulpit will neither draw men nor keep men in. The modern mind craves for great things, not petty piffles. In a word, men want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It is the whole Word of God men want, not half of it; and like the baby in the well-known soap advertisement, they won't be happy till they get it.

When you begin to think about it, it is very much easier to believe that God is, than believe that God is not, and never was. The man who tries to persuade himself that there is no God goes through life, always and everywhere, looping the loop with his own intelligence. He begins nowhere, and ends at the same place. On the other hand, the man who begins with the fact of God falls into harmony with the very laws of his being; and the stars in their courses help that man along the way.

"The fact of Christ." Christ as a fact in history no one outside an asylum for the insane will deny. Men have denied God's existence who have accepted the fact of the historical Christ. They may have accepted the fact because they had to; but they accepted the fact, and that is the main thing.

But Christ, a mere fact in history, is not enough. It is true that Christ lived: it is no less