Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/120

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house, the Bhagavan suddenly grew silent. His mind was absorbed in meditation on the Divine Mother. One of his disciples, not per- ceiving the sudden change that had come over him, said: "This is Rammohun Roy's house." The Bhagavan replied: "Ah! Now my mind is not on such things"; and immediately he entered into the ecstatic state (Bhava). The carriage, a short while after, drew up in front of the Pandit's house. Sri Ramakrishna alighted, supported by one of His disciples. Before reaching the staircase which led to the Pandit's study, which was also the drawing- room, the Bhagavan, putting his hand on His shirt, asked a disciple with some concern: "My Ramakrish- na's childlike nature. shirt is unbuttoned ; is it necessary to button it?" The disciple an- swered: "Do not trouble Thyself, Lord; none will find fault with Thee on that

    the Koran in Arabic, the Old Testament in Hebrew and the New Testament in Greek. He denounced the practice of Suttee which was abolished in 1829. He established the Hindu Unitarian Theistic movement known as the "Brahmo Samaj." He was the first Hindu Brahmin of rank and influence who visited Paris and England. After nearly two years' stay in England Raja Rammohun Roy died at Bristol in 1833.