Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/122

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before the Lord. The disciples partook of the sweetmeats, but when they were offered to one young man, Vidyâsâgara said: "Oh, he is a child of the house; do not trouble about him."

The Bhagavân then said, referring to a young man who was sitting before him: "Yes, this young man is good. He is like the river Falgu,[1] covered with dry sand, but if you dig a little you will find a strong invisible current underneath. He has a spiritual current inside, although he does not show it on the outside."

Then addressing Vidyâsâgara he continued: "To-day I have at last reached the ocean Râma-krishna's love of humor.(referring to the literal meaning of the word Vidyâsâgara,—the ocean of knowledge). So long I have seen only canals, lakes, or, at most, rivers, but now I see the ocean itself.

Vidyâsâgara: Then, Sir, Thou art welcome to take some salt water from it.

Bhagavân: No, my dear sir, why salt water? You are not the ocean of Avidyâ (ignorance),

  1. Falgu is the name of a sacred river near the holy city of Gayâ in India. It was on the bank of this river that Buddha attained to the highest enlightenment. Its bed is covered with sand like a desert, but a strong current of pure water flows underneath.