Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/150

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is exceedingly difficult, especially in this age, for a man with his limited faculties to come to my Mother through Vichara (discriminatoin of the Real Brahman from the unreal phenomenal universe), unaided by the Divine Person. Verily has Prasad, the "Sweet Psalmist" of Bengal, laid stress on this difficulty in his well-known song:

The Divine Mother and the Absolute Brahman

1. Like a mad man, O mind, what seekest thou in the dark room? He (Divine Being) cometh in deep meditation; without that, who can approach Him?

2. The moon of desire still shineth in thy secret chamber. First bring it under control with all thy might. It will hide itself at the dawn of Divine wisdom.

3. Holding this as the ideal, the great Yogi practiseth meditation for ages. When realization cometh it attracts the soul as a magnet draws unto itself a piece of iron.