Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/164

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mechanically, but His mind was fixed on God. When He had entered the cabin, Keshab and others bowed at His feet. But what little sense- consciousness remained now began to leave Him. Inside the cabin were a bench, a table and a few chairs. The Bhagavan was seated on one of the chairs; Keshab also took a chair and Bijoy, another. Other devotees, most of them Brahmos, sat on the bare floor. The cabin being a small one, many remained standing at the door or at the windows look- ing in eagerly. The Bhagavan was abso- lutely devoid of outer consciousness. Every- body was watching His face. Keshab noticed that so large a number of people had come together in the cabin that the Bhagavan was in need of air. The devotees all gazed with fixed eyes. After a time the Bhagavan came down from His Samadhi, but the consciousness of the Divine Presence was as intense as before. He talked to the Mother of the universe in words that were scarcely articulate, saying: "O Mother, why hast Thou brought me here? They are hedged around and are not free! Is it indeed possible for me to save them out of their prison house ?"

A Brahmo said to the Bhagavan: Sir, these