Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/178

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I roam through this world, Thy creation, seek- ing joy but mistaking bitter for sweet." A Brahmo: Revered Sir, is it true that God cannot be realized without giving up the world ? The Bhagavan, smiling: Oh no! You do not have to give up everything. You are better off Renunciation not necessary for all. where yor are. By living in the world you are enjoying the taste both of the pure crystallized sugar and of the molasses with all its impurities. You are indeed better off. Verily I say unto you, you are living in the world, there is no harm in that; but you will have to fix your mind on God, otherwise you cannot realize Him. Work with one hand and hold the Feet of the Lord with the other. When you have finished your work, fold His feet to your heart with both your hands. Everything is in the mind. Bondage and freedom are in the mind. You can dye the Power of the mind. mind with any color you wish. It is like a piece of clean white linen; dip it in red and it will be red, in blue it will be blue, in green it will be green, or any other color. Do you not see that if you study English, English words will come readily to you ? Again,