Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/184

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Vrindavan had such devotion. They had an Intense devo- tion necessary. intense love for Sri Krishna, God Incarnate. The Bhagavan then said to Keshab and other devotees with great feeling: You are Brahmos; you believe that God is formless and you do not believe in God Incarnate. Well, it matters not. You need not accept Radha and Sri Krishna as Incarnations of the Supreme Being; but the intense love and yearning which the Gopis felt for Sri Krishna is a thing which you may well make your own, for yearning is the next step leading to God-vision.


It was ebb-tide. The steamer was going fast down-stream towards Calcutta. It had got to the other side of the Howrah Bridge within sight of the Botanical Gardens, The Captain had orders to go a little farther down. How

    Krishna, then living among them as a shepherd-hoy. When eleven years old He left Vrindavan. Sri Krishna is looked upon as an Incarnation of God. He loved and was loved by everyone. He is the Impersonation of Divine Love. Vrindavan is the sacred forest near Mathura in India where the shepherd Krishna played his boyish sports with boys and girls and performed many miracles.