Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/196

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cabin they saw that the full moon had bathed the bosom of the Holy Ganges and the adjoining banks with her mellow light. The Bhagavan with two or three disciples got into a cab which had been kept waiting for Him on the shore. Nandalal, Keshab's nephew, also got in. He wished to go with the Bhagavan for some distance. When all had seated themselves in the cab, Sri Ramakrishna asked: " Where is Keshab?" In a few moments Keshab came up smiling and inquired who were going with Him. Being satisfied with the answer, he bowed down to the ground before the Bhagavan, who affectionately bade him adieu.

The cab set out. The Bhagavan was filled with supreme joy as the carriage drove along. Suddenly He said: "I am thirsty; what is to be done ?" Nandalal stopped the carriage before the gates of the India Club and went upstairs to bring water. It was brought in a glass tumbler. The Bhagavan, smiling, asked, "Is the glass well washed?" Nandalal replied, "Yes." The Bhagavan drank the water. He was childlike in His simplicity. He put forward His face to look at the various objects on both sides. His joy knew no bounds as He saw men, animals, car- riages, houses, the moonlight, the lighted streets!