Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/198

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In the painting Sri Ramakrishna was represented as pointing to Keshab that all religions lead to one goal—be it Hinduism, Mahometanism, Buddhism, Christianity, or their various sects. The Bhagavan was conversing with smiles on His lips when Narendra came up. His joy redoubled. He said to Narendra as He talked: We enjoyed such a pleasant trip on board the steamer with Keshab Sen. Bijoy also was there, and many of those present here. You may ask Mahendra how I talked to Keshab and Bijoy about the mother and her daughter both observing fast on Tuesday each for her own welfare, and how God's Sports in this world would suffer for want of nourishment in the absence of obstructions like Jatilla and Kutilla. It was getting late. But Suresh had not come home as yet. The Bhagavan asked to go back to the Temple at Dakshineswara. It was about half-past ten and He wished to leave for the garden. The streets were flooded with moonlight. The cab was at the door. The Bhagavan got in. Narendra and Mahendra bowed low to the Master and started for their homes.