Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/203

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In the course of the conversation, when the talk was about the Goddess Simhavdhini [1] (seated upon a lion) belonging to the Mullik family of Barabazar, He said: Once I went to see the Simhavahini. She was then staying in one Mullik's house at Chashadhopapara. The house was almost a deserted one. The family had become very poor. In some places there was filth, in other places mosses were growing undisturbed. The cement upon the wall was crumbling down, and brick-dust and sand were slowly falling. Other houses belonging to the Mulliks are very neat and clean, but this was not so. Can you explain why this was the case ? The truth is that everyone must reap the fruit of his Law of Karma. past actions. We should believe in the law of Karma. One thing, how- ever, I saw in that deserted house, — that the The Divine Presence in images. face of the Goddess was beaming with glory. We should believe in the Divine Precence infilling the

images of the Deity.

  1. In Hindu mythology the Goddess Durga destroyed the Demons, riding upon a wild lion. Hence Her name is "Sim- havahini."