Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/205

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They placed a heavy stone upon his breast. Yet Kalu was the favorite child of the Mother of the universe. Pleasure and pain, happiness and misery, come with the body. How great a devotee was Srimanta! How fondly the god- dess loved his mother Khullana! But what an amount of trouble he had to go through! They took him to the scaffold to be executed. A cer- tain woodman, a great devotee, was fortunate enough to see the goddess, and the goddess loved him very much and showed her kindness towards him; but he had to go on with the trade of wood- cutter all the same. He had to sell firewood to get his livelihood. It does not follow that a devoted lover of God must be very well off in A devotee is rich in spirit. the world. But he is rich in spirit, though he may be poor in worldly things. Devaki in prison saw God in the form of a human being holding the conch-shell, discus, mace and lotus in His four hands ; but she could not get out of the prison for all her God-vision. Disciple: But she should have got rid, not only of imprisonment, but of her body, that be- ing the source of all her troubles.

    work is entitled "Chandi," or the exploits of the Divine Mother. Kaluvira and Srinianta were the heroes of this poem.