Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/209

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Bliss of Thy Love. O I shall forget myself having attained to Thee. (O when will this come ?)

Sri Ramakrishna had lost Himself in deep Samadhi as soon as He had heard the words Samadhi of Ramakrishna. "Immortal bliss like embodied nec- tar." There He sat with clasped hands, turning His face toward the East. He was diving deep into the Ocean of Beauty of the All-Blissful One. No external conscious- ness, no sign of breathing, no motion in any of His limbs, no quiver of the eye, — like one drawn in a picture! He had gone away somewhere from this kingdom, from this world of the senses. Returning from Samadhi, the Bhagavan murmured in an indistinct voice: "Thou art I, I am Thou. Thou eatest, Thou and I eat. What is this? Have I jaundiced eyes? I see Thee everywhere. Wherever I cast my eyes, I see Thy form." Then He repeated the holy name of Krishna: "O Friend of the meek and gentle! O Lord of my heart! O Divine Shep- herd!" After repeating this a few times, He again went into Samadhi. Coming back to sense-consciousness, He opened His eyes and found that the room was full of people of every