Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/213

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Visvanatha: Well, Sir, Keshab Chandra Sen does not respect our orthodox Hindu manners, customs and laws. How can he be a real saint? The Bhagavan (turning towards His devo- tees): Visvanatha never wants me to go to see Keshab Sen. Visvanatha: But Thy Holiness will go. What can I do? Bhagavan: You go to see the Governor- General, who according to your Shastras [1] is a Mleccha (unclean), and for money, too; and may I not go to see Keshab Sen? It does not become you to speak in this way. You often say: "It is God who has manifested Himself as the human soul and the world itself." What you say you must mean; what you mean you must say! After this Ramakrishna abruptly left the room and went to the northeastern veranda. Visvanatha and other devotees remained wait- ing for Him in the room. Narendra was found talking with Hazra on the veranda. Sri Ramakrishna knew that Hazra was an out-and- out non-dualist and a dry logician. He upheld that all the universe was a mere dream; that all

  1. Hindu Sacred Books are called Shastras.