Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/234

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were no light in the chandelier, it would be all dark. The chandelier itself would not be visible." After a long conversation Devendra Nath Tagore begged me to come to the anni- versary of the Brahmo-Samaj. I answered: "If it be the will of the Lord. I go wherever He takes me."


Padmalochana was the most eminent scholar in the court of the Raja of Burdwan. He came Visit to Pad- malochana. to a garden-house near Dakshines- wara, and as I had a desire to meet him, I sent Hridai to find out whether he had pride or not. I learned that he was simple and absolutely free from scholarly pride, so I went to see him. He was indeed a great scholar and a true Jnani. He defeated all the great pandits and theologians. He said that when he was in the court of the Raja a theological discussion arose regarding the Hindu Trinity, — whether the first person of the Trinity, Brahma, was greater than the third person of the Trinity, Shiva. The pandits referred to him for the final decision and Padmalochana replied: "I have seen neither Brahma nor Shiva; how can I decide?" He wished to hear me sing the