Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/238

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even Yudhisthira,[1] the purest and most per- fect of mortals, had to see purgatory in a vision because he had once wavered for half a second from absolute Truth, what can we expect for ourselves?" I could not bear his words and rebuked him sharply, saying: "What kind of man are you, that you think of the momentary vision of purgatory? You must not think of that, but of Yudhisthira's truthfulness, forgive- ness, patience, right discrimination, renuncia- tion, devotion and love for God." At another time I went to see a Zemindar who had the title of Raja, and I told him plainly that I could not call him Raja because he was not really one.

One day I saw a pious Brahmin who was counting his beads on the bank of the Ganges. I stood near him and knew that his mind was not fixed on God but on earthly things. Im- mediately I roused him by striking him on the shoulder. At another time Rashmoni, the founder of the Temple, was praying in the Tem- ple while I was singing the holy song of the Divine Mother. I perceived that her mind was

  1. Yudhisthira was the Hero of the Mahabharata and the Hindu emperor of ancient India.