Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/243

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work; by mistake people say, "I do." The Everything the will of God. gardener sometimes uncovers the roots of rose-bushes that the dew may fall upon them. Sometimes he trims off some of the roots so that the flowers will become larger. Perhaps the Lord is pre- paring you to do greater work. But I feel very unhappy when you are ill. Last time when you were ill, I was so anxious about you that I would cry at night and pray to my Divine Mother for your recovery. Sometimes I said to my Mother: "If Keshab passes away, with whom shall I talk about God?" But this time I do not feel the same way. At this moment Keshab's aged mother came near the door and addressed the Bhagavan, say- ing: "May Keshab be cured of his illness?" The Bhagavan replied: Pray to my blissful Divine Mother. She will remove all pain and trouble. (To Keshab) Do not spend so much time with your family and children. Their company will drag you to worldliness. You will feel better if you think of God and talk about Him. Keshab's mother said: Do Thou bless my Keshab.

Ramakrishna: What power have I? God