Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/247

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drew tears from the eyes of those who heard Him, cried out: "0 my friend, do me this favor and I shall be thy most devoted servant. Remember it was thou that taughtest me my love for the Beloved." The chorus went on singing. Radha was made in the song to say: "0! I will not go to the bank of the Jamuna to draw water, for coming up to the Kadamba tree I am put in mind of my own, my Beloved." Ramakrishna, heaving a sigh, said, "Ah, me!" As the chorus chanted aloud the name of the Lord, the Bhaga-van was again on His feet and in Samadhi. Recovering His sense-consciousness, He could only repeat inarticulately: "Kitma, Kitma," for "Krishna, Krishna." The Sankirtan was brought to a close by the Bhagavan Himself leading the chorus in the well-known piece: "Victory to Radha, Victory to Govinda," and dancing with His disciples, who formed a ring around Him.

The dancing and singing had all taken place in the reception-hall. The Bhagavan then with-The madness of love for the Lord. drew into one of the adjoining rooms to the west. To a disciple He said, talking of the Gopis: How wonder-ful was their devotion! At the sight of the