Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/254

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Divine Manifestation. To worship His name is to worship God." Here Mahima came in and the Bhagavan ex- claimed: This is a visit quite unexpected! We expect at most a shallop in this poor river of ours, yet here comes a ship! But then it is the rainy season! The conversation next turned on the spiritual aspect of feasts and the Bhagavan said to Mahima: Why is it that people are fed at a feast? Do you not think that it is the same as offering a sacrifice to God who is the Living Fire in all creatures? But bad men, not God- fearing, guilty of adultery and fornication, should on no account be entertained at a feast. Their sins are so great that several cubits of earth beneath the place where they eat become polluted.


Protap Chunder Mozoomdar,[1] a member of the Brahmo-Samaj, entered and saluted Sri

  1. Protap Chunder Mozoomdar is well known in America as Mr. Mozoomdar. He was a co-worker of Keshab Chunder Sen and became a leader of the "New Dispensation" sect of the Brahmo-Samaj. He came to the Parliament of Re- ligions at Chicago in 1893 A.D., and delivered addresses in