Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/260

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Ramakrishna: In this age (Kali-Yuga) the path of devotion and love (Bhakti-Yoga) is Path of devotion. easy for all. The practice of Narada's Bhakti is better adapted to this Yuga. One should repeat the Holy Name of the Lord and chant His praises and with earnest and sincere heart , pray to Him , saying : "O Lord , grant me Thy divine Wisdom, Thy divine Love. Do Thou open my eyes and make me realize Thee." When Karma Yoga is so difficult to practice, one should pray to the Lord in this manner: "0 Lord! Do Thou reduce our Karma to a minimum, and the little work that we daily perform, may we do it with non-attachment by Thy grace. O Lord! Do not let our desire for work increase in number and bind us to worldliness." Devotee : People of the West (in England and America) always say, "Work, work, work. " Is Is work the aim of life? not work (Karma) then the end and aim of life ? Ramakrishna: The end and aim of life is the attainment of God. Work (Karma) is nothing but the first chapter of life; how can it be its end and aim? But work, without seeking the result, is a means, not the end.