Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/264

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came upon a silver-mine and took with him as much of it as he could carry, sold it and got even more money, and so daily proceeding further and further, he found gold-mines and diamond-mines and at last became exceedingly rich. Such is also the case with the man who aspires after true Knowledge. If he does not stop in his progress after attaining a few extra- ordinary and supernatural powers, he at last becomes really rich in the eternal knowledge of Truth. So go on, my children, and never lose sight of your ideal! Go onward and never stop until you have reached the goal. Arriving at a par- ticular stage, do not get the idea that you have reached your journey's end. Work is only the first stage of the journey. Bear in mind that doing works unattached is exceedingly difficult, that therefore Bhakti Yoga, the path of love, is better suited to this age, and that work, even if unattached, is not the end of your life, but only a means to an end. So march on and never halt till you have come up to the great Ideal of your life—the realization of God.

Referring to lectures given by members of religious bodies like the Brahmo Samaj and