Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/268

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Make a search in the regions lower, still lower below the bottom of the sea: Thou wilt surely find the jewel of Prema (in- tense love of God).

2. Within thy heart Vrindavan (the abode of the God of Love). Search, search, search; searching Thou wilt find it. Then in the heart shall burn, burn, burn the Lamp of Wisdom without ceasing.

3. Who is it that steers the boat on land, on land, on land? Says Kuvir: Listen, listen, listen; meditate on the Lotus feet of Guru.

Do you hear the song? You have finished your lectures, quarrels and fights. Now dive in this ocean. There is no fear of death in this sea. It is the sea of Immortality. Do not fear that one becomes unbalanced by medi- tating on God. I once said to Narendra (Vive- kananda) —

Mozoomdar (interrupting): Who is this Na- rendra ?

Bhagavan: Oh, there is a young man of that