Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/289

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men of the village spoke to the offenders and en- treated them, but could not produce the slightest impression upon their minds. The offenders continued to violate the sanitary laws. Every morning abuses were showered upon their heads, but all in vain. At last when the municipal authorities put up a notice forbidding everyone to commit such acts and sent a peon with their badge to punish the offenders, from that moment nobody dared throw dirt near the pond." Badge of authority. Therefore I say a badge of authority is necessary; otherwise no one will listen to your words. A true speaker is one who is authorized by the Supreme and who holds the badge of Divine commission. Every man and woman must obey and bow down to him. A true teacher of mankind must possess great spiritual power (Sakti). In Calcutta there are many veteran wrestlers. One must try one's strength on such men and not on novices in wrestling. Chaitanya Deva was an Avatara. Tell me how much of that which he did is now preserved? What good will be done by the lec- tures of one who does not hold the badge of Divine authority ? Therefore I say : "You must first be absorbed in the Holy feet of the Al- mighty."