Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/291

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where all discrimination between the Real and the unreal ceases and the Absolute Brahman is realized in Samadhi. Karma Yoga is communion with God by means of work. It is what you are teaching. The performance of duties by house- Karma Yoga. holders not tor the sake of obtaining their results but for glorifying the Supreme is that which is meant by this method of Yoga. Again, worship, repetition of the Name of the Lord, and other devotional exercises are also included in it, if they are done without attach- ment to their fruits and for the glorification of God. The end of Karma Yoga is the same as the realization of the Impersonal Absolute or the Personal God or both. Raja Yoga leads to this communion through concentration and meditation. It has eight steps. The first is Yama, which con- Raja Yoga. sists m non-injuring, truthfulness, non-covetousness, chastity, and the non-receiv- ing of gifts. The second is Niyama, which includes austerities, forbearance, contentment, faith in the Supreme Being, charity, study, and self -surrender to the Supreme Will. The prac- tice of various physical postures is comprised in Asana, the third; while Pranayama or breath-