Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/308

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of the second lunar day? Sita [1] said to Ravana: "Thou art the full moon, and my Rama Chandra is the moon of the second lunar day." Ravana was highly pleased, for he did not understand the meaning. Sita meant to say that the for- tune of Ravana had reached its climax like the full moon and that now it must be on the wane ; but the fortune of Rama Chandra is like the moon of the second lunar day, which will increase day by day.

Here the Bhagavan rising to take leave, the Pandit and his friends bowed down before Him with great reverence and devotion. He then departed, followed by His disciples.

  1. Sita, the faithful and devoted wife of Lord Rama Chandra, who is regarded as an Incarnation of God. She was stolen by Ravana, King of Ceylon, who brought her to his capital, Lanka. Hence the war described in the epic Ramayana, which ended with the destruction of Ravana and many of his people.