Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/319

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Come down to this plane. Be still, O Mother! What Thou wishest, O Mother, for everybody shall come to pass! What shall I say to these people ? Nothing can be achieved in the path of spirituality without discrimination (between the Discrimination and renuncia-tion. Real and the unreal) and renuncia- tion (non-attachment to riches, honor, sensual pleasures). Renuncia- tion is of many kinds. One kind springs from the acute pain due to worldly misery. But the better kind of renunciation arises from the realization that all worldly blessings are unreal even when they are within reach. Thus, hav- ing all, the man renounces everything for the sake of God.

Everything rests upon time. For all religious awakening we must wait. But in the mean- while the precepts of a Guru, the Time neces- sary for religious awakening. spiritual teacher, should be carefully followed, for the impression of these precepts in the mind of a worldly man may be of great help in time of need. Another reason is that constant hearing of those pre- cepts may gradually remove the evil effects of worldly attachment. As the effects of drunken- ness can be removed by making the drunkard