Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/326

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nor have I touched thee. The Atman is pure. it is neither body nor the elements of the body. It is far above the twenty-four categories of the universe. Thou art the real Atman: so am I. How can I touch thee?" Sankara bowed down before the pariah and lo! the pariah trans figured himself into Shiva, the Lord of wisdom. At that moment Sankara's spiritual eyes were open and he realized the absolute oneness of the Atman. "I am pure and spotless Atman, eternally free": this is the nature of true Self- knowledge.

Spiritual practices (Sadhana) are absolutely necessary for Self-knowledge; but if there be Spiritual practices. perfect faith, then a little practice will be enough. One must have faith in the words of the Guru or spiritual master. Vyasa [1] was about to cross the river Jamuna. At this moment the Gopis (shepherdesses) ar- rived. They also wished to go across, but there was no ferry-boat. They asked Vyasa, "Lord, what shall we do?" Vyasa replied: "Do not worry, I will get you across the river; but I am Vyasa and the Gopis. very hungry. Can you give me some- thmg to eat?" The Gopis had with them a quantity of milk, cream and fresh butter.

  1. Vyasa, see note p. 108.