Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/336

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is it not a fact that it is impossible to think of the "Formless" without the help of a form? In any case, we have to go through forms and symbols. Bhagavan (smiling): You see that I lay stress upon the worship of God with form as eminently favorable for the cultivation of devotion. Disciple: Is Pandit Sasadhar [1] making any progress in this direction, — in the culture of Bhakti or devotion? Bhagavan: Yes; but his tendency is in the direction of the path of knowledge. These men belong to a class of their own. They do not see that this way is exceedingly difficult. It is sufficient if one can give up the Renunciation. world in the mind. Outward re-nunciation is not absolutely necessary.

Disciple: What Thou say est is, as it seems to me, intended for the weak. For men of the highest class is meant renunciation in the strict sense of the word. They must give up the world not only in their mind but also out- wardly.

  1. See page 262.