Page:The Gospel of Râmakrishna.djvu/360

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(To Sub-Judge) You said a little while ago that all men were equal, but now you see how characters vary.


Music for a time interrupted the teaching and Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, on hearing it, again went into Samadhi. The Brahmo devotees sang the Sankirtan, and when they had finished, all those present resumed their seats, Bijoy taking his place just before Sri Ramakrishna. It was the hour for another Brahmo service at which Bijoy, who was the leader of the Brahmo- Samaj, was to read from the Vedas and give an address. Before going to the platform, he asked Sri Ramakrishna's permission, saying: "Bhagavan, grant me Thy blessing, then I shall begin the service." Ramakrishna: When egotism is gone, every- thing is accomplished. "I am lecturing and Egotism and knowledge. you are listening; " this sense of ego- tism you must not have. Egotism proceeds from ignorance and not from knowl- edge. He who is free from egotism attains knowledge. The rain-water gathers in a low place, it runs off from a high place; similarly the water of wisdom gathers in the humble